The premises of the School of Environment and Architecure are located in quite and resourceful residential neighbourhood of suburban Mumbai at Borivali West. The nearest railway station is Borivali which is at a walking distance of 1.4 km. The premises are well equipped with studio spaces, lecture rooms, adviovisual facilities, workshop spaces, equipment, hardware, software, etc. The campus has wifi internet.

Studio Spaces
Each studio is web enabled and capacitated to hold 40 students.
Wood Workshop
The wood workshop has the most up to date machines to create small to medium sized projects.
Resource Centre and Library
The SEA Resource centre is equipped with more than 3500 books. In addition, the library has subscription to national and international journals. The centre also has a growing archive of images and works of architects and student research.
Computer Lab
SEA is equipped with computer facilities for students. It also has 3D printing facility.
Audio Visual Room
SEA has contained spaces for smaller, intimate lectures, seminars, reviews and pin-ups. The space is equipped for screenings and traditional format lectures.
Exhibition Space
The exhibition space has facility for workshops, installations and pin-ups.
Multipurpose Areas
SEA is one of the few architecture campuses in the city to have large open ground as well as free space where various kinds of activities are programmed. The ground is available for putting up full scale installations, paviliions, exhibitions or even open for sports and recreational activities for students.