The undergraduate Thesis and Design Dissertation asks some fundamental questions on the nature of relationships between life and spatiality. Students undertake a range of questions such as
‘How do specific spatialities produce / erode societal differences and vice-versa (of class, caste, ethnicity, race, gender, age and disability)?’, ‘How do specific spatialities produce a sense of power, hierarchy and fear?’, ‘What is the role of spatiality in shaping emotions, behaviours, experiences and practices?’
It is undertaken in two parts:
Making a Spatial Argument:
Where what gets asked is: What is an architectural thesis? Why should and how could an architectural thesis be advanced? The objective here is to develop capacities and skills of final year undergraduate students to conduct research and advance an architectural thesis while articulating a relevant form of narrative generation for their spatial arguments
Making a Spatial Argument:
Where what gets asked is: What is an architectural thesis? Why should and how could an architectural thesis be advanced? The objective here is to develop capacities and skills of final year undergraduate students to conduct research and advance an architectural thesis while articulating a relevant form of narrative generation for their spatial arguments
Developing Spatial Interventions:
Here, the students are expected to develop a design of a physical intervention based on their spatial arguments developed in semester 9. The course is focused on developing the ability of a student to undertake independent architectural exploration based on the student's thesis including - identification of relevant sites, analysis of sites, scoping of architecture, developing architectural strategies and undertaking architectural resolution. Each student shall work under close supervision of a core faculty from SEA.
Here, the students are expected to develop a design of a physical intervention based on their spatial arguments developed in semester 9. The course is focused on developing the ability of a student to undertake independent architectural exploration based on the student's thesis including - identification of relevant sites, analysis of sites, scoping of architecture, developing architectural strategies and undertaking architectural resolution. Each student shall work under close supervision of a core faculty from SEA.
︎Curation & Exhibition Design: Living in a Metaphor
︎ Everyday Environment and Architecture of Exfoliation
︎ Landscape Urbanism: Commons, Designing the Bio-diverse and species Inclusive City
︎ Product Design: Useful And Unuseful Objects
︎ Rethinking spatiality with Bamboo
︎ Spatiality of the Future
︎ Tactical Interventions, Possibilities of Reconciliation Through Design
︎ Technological Sensoriums
︎ 3D Digital Fabrication Drawing out the Everyday: The Scribe and the Labyrinth
︎ Everyday Environment and Architecture of Exfoliation
︎ Landscape Urbanism: Commons, Designing the Bio-diverse and species Inclusive City
︎ Product Design: Useful And Unuseful Objects
︎ Rethinking spatiality with Bamboo
︎ Spatiality of the Future
︎ Tactical Interventions, Possibilities of Reconciliation Through Design
︎ Technological Sensoriums
︎ 3D Digital Fabrication Drawing out the Everyday: The Scribe and the Labyrinth